What type of Door will I need?

To use our Automatic Door Opener you will need your Chicken House Door  to open vertically inside slider rails. It will need to be located ideally on the exterior of your Hen House with enough room above the ‘Door-UP’ Position to fix with jst 4 Screws our Easy Install Door Controller

Your Door Controller will be fixed above the door. with enough space for the Door open to draw-up your door.

In fact we can now offer you the perfect, non rusting, no warping Coop Door to work with your Door opener, now that has got to be good news! See the pictures and find out more about this superior and great value  Aluminium Door and Runners (Rails.) Just what you need, so you can order it in a couple of clicks Hen House and Chicken Coop Non-Rusting, Non Warping Door Runners and Rails, simple ‘ just the job.”