Automatic Chicken Door Opener Kit includes Unit Door and Rails

Automatic Chicken Door Opener and Aluminium Door COMBO Kit (includes Rails) as Combined Package

Automatic Chicken Door Opener Combo Kit is two-in-one package of the Door Controller Unit combined with the Aluminium Coop Door and smooth-running rails, requires no mains and runs on batteries as with all our automatic door opener offers. we also offer the COMPLETE KIT which is the Door Opener, Door, Rails and Automatic Drinker for just a few pounds more but the choice is yours.

Many of our customers choose to purchase these two items together, so we are offering them as a single purchase to make that process nice and easy. Our items are supplied with full instructions. Please note for the avoidance of doubt, the Coop is not included in this sale BUT the essential Door Opener and door Kit are.

We have been using these on our estate for some time and have been delighted with the results, the automatic door makes it plain and simple in order to maintain and keep true ‘free range’ chickens. This automatic door will allow you to get the best out of your chickens, by giving them maximum time to roam without hindrance to yourself, leaving you to get on with the day to day activities whilst your chooks are free to happily rummage and roam. We all know happy chickens, means less hen-pecking, fitter chickens and even better quality eggs! Afterall that is what we are aiming to achieve  so why not make it easier to do so with this great packaged kit!

The door is activated by light, opening at light, and closing at dusk. (This will shut AFTER! The latest of the girls have come indoors for the night.) Allowing more for yourself and your chooks to enjoy life. 

  • This unit takes only about 30 seconds to set once fitted, and to be honest not a lot more than that to fit. It really is that simple and quick. 
  • Fully waterproof and can be fitted outside of the Coop in the rain
  • Batteries We will also include a NEW! set of Duracell AAA Batteries.

To answer some frequently asked questions :

  1. Does this have a timer?  I’ve never met a chicken with a watch!! And if you think that keeping your Rooster in later in the morning, is going to keep him quiet then you might need to take-up a different hobby!
  2. Does this have an ‘Overide button?’ No and doesn’t need one, you just lift the door in the normal fashion this will not affect your programmed setting in any way!!

15 Days Free trial in UK

We are so happy with this unit we are sure once you used it your want to keep it. Which is why we offer a Free!! 15 day Trial period with the following terms:
  • UK sales Only for 15 day trial period
  • The opener should be returned within the 15 day period.
  • The 15 Day Period starts from the day this has been signed for at your delivery address.
  • The unit must be returned (recorded delivery only) and insured as we cannot take responsibility if lost in the post.
  • The unit must be in the original condition it was shipped out to you in.
  • The buyer must pay for the return of the unit.
  • The refund will exclude the original postage costs and be for the price paid for the unit when purchased.

The door Unit and Rails

The Door itself is 2700 mm Wide with rails with out Rails it measures 250 mm, Height is 300 mm.
  • Rails/Runners are 600mm long. The Door thickness is 2mm, it is a good strong door that will not flex



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