Dawn till Dusk Doors part of Moore Estates (UK) Ltd

Dawn till Dusk Doors is part of Moore Estates (UK) Ltd

Dawn till Dusk Doors is part of, and a trading name of Moore Estates (UK) Ltd. Our company can be contacted as per the current details listed on our Contact Page, using the form displayed there, our address and other details are listed on the page.

Dawn till Dusk Doors a trading name of Moore Estates (UK) Ltd

Dawn till Dusk Doors Logo for use with Paypal documents

Moore Estates (UK) Ltd is the company of Russell Moore Director and major shareholder

Moore Estates (UK) Ltd has interests in Chicken Keeping and Rare Breeds, specialising in breeding Orpington Bantams and is the company of Russell Moore the creator and manufacturer of the Dawn till Dusk Doors (a trading name/brand) Automatic Chicken Door Openers,

DTDD Happy Hens from Dawn till Dusk Chocolate-Orpington-Bantams

Automatic Chicken Water drinkers and related Accessories. A family run business, based in Hampshire in the UK. Russell created these products based on his background and continuing interests in digital and electronic and IT products together with his day-today need to use the products to help him and his family look after their own hens. Moore Estates logo Paypal  150x100

There is nothing like a shared interest to help shape the products to best suit us all (us Chicken Keepers), at a a great value for money price point. Our aim is to help you look after your Happy Hens your hens and make sure you retain a little freedom and flexibility for you and your helpers at home.

Automatic Chicken Door Openers working Dawn till Dusk

automatic chicken door opener works from dawn till dusk


The brand name for these products was created by Russell and the look and feel of the branding, logo and website by his brother an experienced graphic designer, David J Moore who can be found at his website here. Keeping to the family business principles, all software, web development marketing and hosting is also managed for Dawn till Dusk Doors (Moores Estates (UK)) by David Moore and Intriguing Networks IT and digital consultants led by Amanda J R Moore, yep you guessed it, Russell and David’s sister.

Whilst Moore Estates works across sectors Russell wanted a name that summed up what the automatic doors do and as they work and automatically adjusting to the changing daylight hours, that was the name he adopted, “Dawn till Dusk Doors” and hence the name of this specific website.




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