What to do when the nights are beginning to draw-in?
Have you noticed, the Dusk is coming a lot earlier all of a sudden? The evenings are shortening and we definitely want to make the most of our days and any sunshine we can grab, and then get in the warm as the sun-drops and the September nip in the evening air approaches…
Now for us, that means we don’t want to have to start chasing round Pens and shutting Coop Doors, especially given our Chickens and Hens seem to be more tuned into the change season than we are. So especially at this time of year, when the dusk time is a bit variable (depends on the weather and daylight) it’s great to have a device that automatically adjusts the closing time on your Hens House Door! Of course it also automatically adjusts the opening time too.
So why not think about purchasing a ‘Dawn till Dusk Door Controller’? Easy and quick to install, takes no time for your Hens to learn that they need to get in before it shuts. Then they are in safe and you don’t have to get home before it gets dark, or trip over their feeder because you forgot the torch and didn’t think it was going to be that dark anyway…and then of course there’s the lethal dogs toy in the middle of the path on the way back.
So why not consider a simple, quick and no hassle solution to the changing seasons, that is better for your hens and all the family? Take a closer look at what our Automatic Door Controller can do for you, for a modest price and 365 days a year of helpfully automated peace of mind.